What is Parts Work and Internal Family Systems?
When we decide to go to counselling, it’s oftentimes because we want to understand ourselves a bit more.
We want to discover why it’s so hard to change certain patterns or why we lean into coping mechanisms over and over, (even if we don’t really like them), or why it’s so challenging not to lash out in relationships even though we care about the person we are lashing out at.
What if I told you that our selves are not just one entity, but rather a collection of different "parts"?
And one of the reasons that it feels so challenging to change might be because we have parts of us that want to change, and parts of us that very much so, don’t.
This is where Parts Work, or Internal Family Systems Therapy, comes into play.
What is Parts Work?
There are many modalities of parts work, however, one of the most popular was developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems. According to Schwartz, our mind is not a singular entity but a complex system of parts, each with its own perspective and voice. These parts are not just fragments or symptoms; they are intrinsic to who we are.
In Schwartz's view, everyone has a core "Self"—a central, compassionate, and wise consciousness that can lead the internal system. However, life's difficult experiences, (which we would call burdens) can cause different parts of the mind to move out of their natural roles and put them into extreme roles.
For instance, a part might become overly protective to prevent a hurt that was similar to what the individual experienced when they were vulnerable from happening again. This might look like pushing people away, having incredibly high standards, or even driving a person to work so much they don’t have time to form connections.
The goal of parts work is to help clients connect with their core Self and bring balance to their system by understanding and releasing the burdens parts are holding, allowing each part to function in harmony with the others.
Why is This Important?
Understanding the multiplicity of the mind helps us realize that it's normal to have different, sometimes conflicting feelings and thoughts. It also opens up a path to self-compassion, as we learn that each part of us, even the ones that cause us trouble, is trying to help in its own way.
By working with these parts instead of against them, we can achieve a greater sense of peace and self-acceptance. It can also help us to deepen our therapeutic process when we are running into walls in session, as oftentimes a wall is a part that holds a belief that it’s unsafe to move further.
Who Can Benefit from Parts Work?
Parts Work can benefit most people, but it’s particularly powerful for those who feel conflicted or stuck in certain areas of their lives. For example, if you’ve ever felt like one part of you wants to take a risk while another part holds you back in fear, Parts Work can help. It’s also incredibly useful for those dealing with trauma, anxiety, or depression, eating disorders, and toxic shame, as it allows us to explore and heal the parts of ourselves that carry pain or distress.
When is Parts Work Used in Counseling?
Parts Work is often used when a person is struggling with internal conflicts or has a hard time making decisions. It’s also helpful when there’s a need to understand and heal from trauma. By identifying and working with the different parts of the self, counseling can address the root causes of distress and promote deeper self-awareness and healing. With that being said it’s often important that we create stability and safety in our lives before we start to delve into some of the deeper aspects of our parts as our parts are there for a reason.
If you’re curious about how parts work can help you, don’t hesitate to reach out.
It can feel overwhelming to explore the different parts of yourself without guidance, and counselling can offer a safe space to start to understand our system, leading to a deeper understanding of the parts that hold our pain. When we get to know these parts and understand their roles, we can work with them to bring harmony to the internal system.